Turftech has purchased a new Laser level, seen here on another new piece of equipment…
The latest addition to our fleet – Vredo overseeder
Turftech has taken delivery of our new Vredo overseeder. Unlike most other seeders, this implement is capable of dispensing fine grass seed (eg. bent grass or C4) at a precise quantity (>3gr/m2 ) and depth (3/4mm) . We are looking forward to making good use of this in the upcoming season.
Overseeding is only successful if the seed is sown directly into the soil. The Vredo overseeder is equipped with a Dual-Disc System. The pairs of independently sprung discs, set at 35mm apart, guide seed into a V-shaped slit in the turf, whatever the soil conditions – clay, peat, loam or sand – wet or dry. These discs are extremely durable and thin and sharp – not to be confused with cheaper thicker discs which rip into the grass instead of slicing. The roller then closes the slit and ensures good contact between seed and soil. Water and nutrients have thereby easy access to the seed, encouraging strong root formation and fast germination.
Research in Germany confirms that the Vredo system generates a germination rate of 96%. This extremely high strike rate is possible because the seeding depth can be adjusted precisely from 0-20 mm.
The sharp discs, with a diameter of 250 mm, provide surface aeration and the roller ensures that the seeded surface is left smooth fast and true. An innovative hydraulic system enables easy adjustment of the sowing depth of the machine from 0-20mm. Even with extreme undulations the machine retains the correct sowing depth.